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Family owned for 60 years
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About New Lawn

We grow the best sod you can buy.

New Lawn Sod Farm in Belleville has been family-owned and operated since 1980. We deliver only the finest in high quality sod, turf and grass products to a wide range of customers. Residential homes can benefit from our expertise in lawns and landscaping. Commercial and industrial complexes plus roadside sites rely on our sod products to be delivered when and where they need lawn products. Garden centers, sports fields and golf courses depend on our turf products to be readily available in large quantities.

We use the latest technological developments to provide sod and turf that is rich in color, texture and thickness. The secret to our success is simple: start with premium seed and grow the seed on the finest top soil (just like what’s in your yard). Then we water it, nurture and groom the sod to perfection.


“The DeBuck Family has been growing the highest quality sod since the 1950’s”

Scott DeBuck, 3rd Generation Sod Farmer
It all started with Leo and Eleanor DeBuck in 1943, and started their journey together as vegetable farmers. They raised vegetables on their farm in Mt. Clemens, Michigan. In 1956, Eleanor gave birth to twins, their 6th and 7th children. She told Leo that she had her hands full with seven children and that he would have to find a way to replace her in the vegetable fields. They had just moved into a larger home with a very big front yard, needing to be seeded. Leo was surprised at the local elevators price for bluegrass seed, but impressed with how the grass turned out. He harvested that front yard as his first sod crop and that is where and how our family got into the sod farming business. Leo and Eleanor transitioned into raising sod in 1957, and expanded the operation by buying a muck farm in Davison, Michigan in 1966.

All five of Leo’s sons followed him into the sod business. Each son branched out to establish their own sod farms, and they now supply sod in three states: Michigan, Wisconsin, and New York.
Norman and Linda DeBuck bought our farm in Belleville, MI, in 1980, and named it New Lawn Sod Farm. They figured our sod farm would be easy to remember….If you needed a new lawn you would call NEW LAWN SOD FARM! Norm and Linda moved to Belleville with 2 little boys in tow, Eric and Scott. Over the years their family grew…and added two daughters, Jennifer and Lisa
Giving our customers quality turf with service to match has always been important to us. We believe that our faith, hard work, treating our employees and our customers like “family” has made our “family business” the success it is today. And for that we are forever grateful!

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